Thursday, April 28, 2016


Some days I wanna believe it isn't true.
Actually, most part of the day.

Have you ever experience going to the toilet, sit there for long,
and unconsciously think about something that really bothers you?

How about when you are staring outside the car window during a long ride? Does it all comes out like a heavy rain without a warning?

Too many times I've tried so hard to keep it out of my mind.
I always believe that I can turn it off like a switch.


I use to go on a shower with those thoughts in my mind.
Like there's a voice in the back of my head that keeps on narrating what happened over and over again.

And I'm this poor reader of the book who cried over a very bad ending and is imagining how I would want the story to end.

I'm the kind of person who catches every good moment.
Putting wonderful memories in black and white.
Capturing life in a photograph.

And when something like this come to you.
You just wanna delete the part of you that is sentimental.
You wanna shut down a part of your brain. Erase those memories.
Forget it. Locked down somewhere inside your subconscious mind.
And hoping, praying that it may not bother you again. EVER again.